martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Charlie St. Cloud

The last movie I have seen is Charlie St. Cloud. Is a romantic drama film which is based that a young man called Charlie St. Cloud (Zack Efron) and his brother Sam (Charlie Tahan) have an accident and Sam dies. Then, Charlie has a special lasting bond with his brother though, as he can see him and he promises to Sam that every day at the same hour they would stay in the forest where he would train the baseball.

But one day, Charlie knows a girl Tess Carroll
(Amanda Crew) that shares the same interest, the careers of sailing ships and starts forgetting his brother Sam until he forgets it completely.

Initially I thought that it was another simple movie, but while it saw her I liked it. The scene that more I liked was when Charlie saves from the sea Tess. And the scene that the less I liked was when Charlie was starting to forget Sam, because it gave to me Sadness.

I recommend this movie because never you get bored, and I believe that it is a history that to the whole world or to almost the whole world he would like it. And the scenes of the landscapes are very beautiful and all the effects are very nice.

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Funny ads- Evian Roller Babies international version

I have chosen this video because is very graceful and entertaining, the babies are very cute and the montage is very well made.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of single-sex schools

I think that education is very important to our future, but there are many people who don´t agree with this.
People take the studies as a game, something obligatory but these persons don´t realize that without studies, his future is going to be difficult. But though the school was a single-sex, I believe that many people would continue thinking the same thing.

There are several advantages to single-sex schools. Firstly, the marks will be better, because the girls are more interested in the results and in his future though some boys also. Secondly, this school helps students to focus on their studies.

Some disadvantages of single-sex schools are: firstly, you don´t learn about the opposite sex and students don´t have relationships with the opposite sex, we can really learn a lot about each other and secondly, some schools of single - sex are more expensive that the mixed ones.

Finally, I think that single-sex schools are better in some case, but mixed schools help us to understand the other people.

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

My personality

I am a sociable and funny person, but when I meet new people I am very shy and when I have to make or say something in front of known or unknown people, I am a nervous and insecure person.

With friends or family, I am cheerful, kind and friendly and I like to help the people who have problems, and I am considered also a very comprehensive person.

I have to say also that sometimes I am a little bit lazy, for example when I have to tidy my room, but I can say that I am responsible at studies.

Finally, sometimes the people say that I am polite, honest, sensitive and reliable but I have a fault, I am a very large-headed person, and I don´t consider myself a annoying, big-headed and bad-tempered.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

My computer habits

Normally, I don´t use the computer every day because I think that the computer isn´t necessary to live and I prefer to use the mobile or the iPod touch, is more useful and easier.But when I have to do a work for the school, or the mobile phone and the iPod touch are without battery, I use the computer.

The first thing that I do when I switch on the computer is to put music in a programme called Spotify. This programme is very useful, because you can use it whatever you want but you can´t download music free. Then, I enter into the social networks, for example Tuenti, Twitter, Facebook... but when I get bored, I enter on a web page called Speaks about music, concerts, guitarists and it is very interesting for me.

Finally, I have to say that I don´t belong to these persons who pass in front of the computer all the time that they can, because I believe that it is a loss of time.
Though I admit that I happen a lot of time with the mobile or the iPod because it is very entertaining, but sometimes it is a problem when I have to study or read for an exam.

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Punk movement

The movement of the punk was created in the 70s and it was created and became visible to the world in London and in New York.
Different philosophical, political and artistic movements were influential in the subculture of punk.
The most famous punk character is Iggy Pop, known as an innovator of punk rock.

Regarding music,  the punks listen genre of rock music called punk rock. The most famous groups listened by the punks are Sex Pistols, My Chemical Romance, Green day and obviously Iggy Pop.

The punk rock is played in small sites, and in general they are formed for a singer, one or two electric guitars, the bass player and the drummer.
About clothes , they wear spiked leather jacket, black T-shirts with a social slogan of anarchy or communist. They have also, big and colorful crests and a lot of piercings and tattoos.
As for their opinions and beliefs, they have an ideology anarchist, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist.
The punk movement has been one of the greatest number of followers around the world has achieved in three decades of life.
In the punk, the members of a band are evaluated by the authenticity.